Understanding how wealth is distributed in a society is imperative to evaluating broadly the quality of living of its people. Utilising the Wealth Distribution Database of OECD (developed) countries, Balestra et al published a comprehensive report on wealth and income distribution. Wealth inequality, which is the net wealth held by the top 10% of the…… Continue reading Distribution of wealth across countries
Category: Uncategorized
Individualism and Collectivism across Cultures
According to Hofstede’s (1991) definition, “individualism pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family.” Collectivism, on the other hand, “pertains to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, which throughout people’s…… Continue reading Individualism and Collectivism across Cultures
Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) replace doctors?
Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) replace doctors?As automation and AI advance, many jobs are increasingly becoming redundant. Computer programs now outperform humans in information gathering, factory work, driving, and more. Doctors, though universally demanded and elaborately trained, perform many tasks AI is more robust at. So, could AI replace doctors? I explore the opposing arguments.Yes — Jörg GoldhahnThe head of…… Continue reading Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) replace doctors?
Optogenetic Therapy to Give the Blind Vision
Optogenetic Therapy to Give the Blind VisionBlind man with partially restored visionOptogenetics is a scientific discipline involving the genetic modification of neurons to render them sensitive to certain wavelengths of light. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited blinding disease caused by mutations in more than 71 different genes, and affecting more than 2 million people globally.Optogenetic vision restoration…… Continue reading Optogenetic Therapy to Give the Blind Vision
Emergence of Deepfakes
Emergence of DeepfakesDeepfake with Tom Cruise’s faceDeepfakes are realistic videos that apply artificial intelligence (AI) to depict someone say and do things that never happened. These technologies make it increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and fake media. Harnessing the generative brilliance of deep learning techniques, deepfakes merge, replace, and superimpose images and video clips to…… Continue reading Emergence of Deepfakes
Commercialization of Conflict
Commercialization of ConflictConflict is utilized to benefit in sports, war, and ideologyCredit: DrAfter/123/iStockConflict is often induced for benefit. It may be used to profit, divide, damage, or promote agendas. Many sports commercialize inter-group or individual conflicts. There is much money to be made from conflict sports like UFC or football. Floyd Mayweather earned more than $150 million…… Continue reading Commercialization of Conflict
Impact of Targeted Recommendations on Consumer Choice
Impact of Targeted Recommendations on Consumer Choice Recommendation algorithms, informed by large datasets, make consumer choices easier and efficient but undermine the consumers’ sense of autonomy. Targeted practices lower cognitive effort and decision-making costs. However, consumers’ alienation from choice and inability to control the recommendation algorithm lead to dissatisfaction. Consumers display confidence in the existence of…… Continue reading Impact of Targeted Recommendations on Consumer Choice
Culture and Psychodynamics of Mass Suicide
Culture and Psychodynamics of Mass SuicideJim JonesMass suicide is the simultaneous suicide of members of a community. Typically a reaction to oppression, the suicides serve as a lethal escape for the defeated and colonized populations. Suicides are also committed based on a delusional perception of reality without there being a real threat.The mass suicides of the…… Continue reading Culture and Psychodynamics of Mass Suicide
Psychodynamics of Cannibalism and Wendigo Psychosis
Psychodynamics of Cannibalism and Wendigo PsychosisThe desire to eat another human is usually a means to another end. People who want to eat human flesh are generally pursuing 3 outcomes — preserving a relationship with a lost loved one, solving ambivalent feelings towards someone, or acquiring vitality or courage.Pursuit of one of these outcomes, often in combination…… Continue reading Psychodynamics of Cannibalism and Wendigo Psychosis
AI Used to Spread and Counter Disinformation
AI Used to Spread and Counter DisinformationDeep-fakesPublic opinion can be influenced by malicious actors trying to degrade public trust in media and institutions, discredit political leadership, deepen societal divides, and influence citizens’ voting decisions. The rise in AI and algorithmic governance of web apps has led to propagation of racial and gender biases, reaffirmation of…… Continue reading AI Used to Spread and Counter Disinformation